
[E363]The world this week

2016-02-27 LearnAndRecord


The world this week版块

February 27th 2016

Feb 27th 2016

America and China said they had made progress in their discussions about a UN resolution[联合国决议] in response to North Korea’s recent nuclear and missile tests. After meeting in Washington, China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, and America’s secretary of state[国务卿], John Kerry, said they had agreed on a draft proposal[建议草案;提案草案]. Mr Kerry hinted[暗示;示意] that, if passed, the resolution would “go beyond” previous ones, which have imposed economic sanctions[实施经济制裁] on North Korea.

Jeb Bush dropped out of[退出] the presidential race[总统竞选] after finishing a distant fourth in the Republicans’ South Carolina primary[1]. He had outspent all his rivals and a year ago was the favourite to become the party’s candidate, but a lacklustre[无光泽的;无生气的] campaign left him way behind Donald Trump and most of the others. After Mr Bush pulled out[退出;拉出] Marco Rubio picked up more endorsements[背书;支持] from party bigwigs[权贵之人;有重大影响的人] as the candidate best placed to beat Donald Trump, who chalked up[2] another handsome victory, in Nevada[内华达州]. On the Democratic side Hillary Clinton won the party’s caucuses[3] in Nevada. The candidates face a big test on March 1st, Super Tuesday[4], when a dozen states will vote.

[1]The South Carolina primary has become one of several key, "early-state" presidential primaries in the process of the Democratic and Republican Parties choosing their respective general election nominees for President of the United States.——Wikipedia

primary ['praɪm(ə)rɪ]

    in the United States, an  in which  who  to a   who will  that  in an for  


[2]chalk up

    to  something, such as a , or to   in a

获(胜);得(分)Today's  is the fifth that the   has  up this .今天的胜利是爱尔兰队今年获得的第5次胜利。It was  whether the Conservatives could  up a fourth  , but they did.保守党能否连续4次在选举中获胜令人怀疑,但是他们做到了。

[3]party’s caucuses

caucus ['kɔ:kəs]

【美国政治】 (政党在决策、酝酿候选人时召开的)领导层秘密会议

[4]In the United States, Super Tuesday, in general, refers informally to one or more Tuesdays early in a United States presidential primary season when the greatest number of states hold primary elections. The Tuesday is in either February or March of a presidential election year. In 2016, Super Tuesday will be March 1.

超级星期二 (Super Tuesday)是美国大选年二月或三月,数几个州举办总统候选人初选的星期二。该日多个州份会同时选出两党的候选人。由于该日的结果对选情影响巨大,各候选人特别注重该日的表现,因此被称为“超级星期二”。——维基百科

Barack Obama renewed his call on Congress[美国国会] to close the Guantánamo[1] detention centre[拘留中心;感化中心;集中营], which still houses 91 suspected terrorists. Congress is unlikely to oblige the president, especially as he didn’t say where the prisoners should be relocated.











